Proin tincidunt enim in felis aliquet, a ultricies purus bibendum.
Quisque in ultrices lectus.
Nulla at urna diam.
Break (clearfix)
This is a floating image, but the following paragraph will be under the image thanks to the break block
Proin sodales lobortis libero eu facilisis.
Break (divider/hr)
In sem urna, aliquam vel consectetur sit amet, pulvinar sit amet lectus. In sem urna, aliquam vel consectetur sit amet, pulvinar sit amet lectus.
Quisque molestie dapibus libero non pellentesque. Quisque molestie dapibus libero non pellentesque.
"With over 400 pictures from the period 1979-2018, the exhibition A Certain Strangeness is the first retrospective of the photographic work of British photographer and guitar legend Andy Summers."