Young, diverse and unexpected.

Young, diverse and unexpected.

Are museums boring? Not if it’s up to YOUNG OFFICE! YO is the youth department in the official organisation of the Bonnefanten. Together they turn the museum in a dynamic location for young art lovers to meet by organising various events and activities.

YOUNG OFFICE keeps an eye on the other museum departments by giving their welcomed and unwelcomed opinion as young museum experts. YOUNG OFFICE is involved behind the scenes, asks critical questions and gives their own touch to what a museum can stand for to a younger audience. The events they organise are up-to-date, fun with a critical approach and accessible for a diverse crowd.

Next to attending the Bonnefanten Pinkpop-up museum at Pinkpop festival and Museum Night Maastricht, the members of YOUNG OFFICE organise their own parties.

Follow YOUNG OFFICE on Facebook and Instagram to see what's new.

For more information send an mail to

YOUNG OFFICE is funded by VSBFonds and Fonds 21.